Hello 2018! Well, I’m going to be honest 2018 hasn’t started very well for me. I have been sick since the night of January 1! I have actually never had a cough this bad. But, I’m not going to let the start of this year get me down!
I went to Nordstrom the other day and tried on so many sunglasses, Phillip ended up surprising me with THESE
and I LOVE them! I thought I would share with you my favorite sunglasses in each price budget and a few of my Disney favorites! I’m going to do a few more posts about Disneyland our family trip over the next week or so with little bits of what makes Disney to me!

UNDER $100

UNDER $200

UNDER $300
UNDER $500
— OMG GUYS! You haven’t lived if you have gone to Disneyland and not gotten a churro! They are Phillip and I’s favorite snack while we are at Disneyland and we always have to get them. I just saw that by Big Thunder Mountain and Big Bear Cafe they have S’more churros, graham cracker on the outside and then it comes with marshmallow and chocolate dipping sauce! (OMG- I’m dying thinking about them!) I will for sure find them on our next trip and report back!