We found out about this little love bug about 365 days from this moment! I still can’t believe it! I will never forget going to Target to get that pregnancy test and Phillip singing through the store “we’re going to have a baby, we’re going to have a baby!” I thought- this guy is just being ridiculous! I’m not pregnant, just stressed!
NOPE! We had our little peanut in my belly! I would have never thought that a year from now I would have a four month old! It is such a special day and its even better that we are celebrating her 4 month birthday!

Caroline is still in the 99th percentile, she is 27 inches long and 16.8 pounds! She is wearing 6-9 month clothing and size 2 diapers! She is starting to get chubby and it is just SO SO cute!

Caroline loves to play with her piano and sit in her seat! Her favorite thing has been dancing and watching Mommy and Daddy cook! She also loves to sit in her high chair and watch us eat! HA!
She is now full on rolling over and is on her stomach any chance she gets! Which is very different from last month!
I think she also loves to sleep! She falls asleep at 7:30 every night and wakes up between 7-7:30 AM! She is also taking an afternoon nap now, Woo!
- Back to Stomach Roll
- First night in her crib
I will be writing a full “Favorite” baby products post soon! I wanted to go through a few stages before sharing my favorites!