I have been wanting to write this post for awhile, but I wanted to make sure I loved this product as much as we thought before I did! Well… WE DO! I do think that these carriers are more for Phillip, then myself! He loves wearing it!
So, Caroline was born a big girl! I swear she came out already holding her head up! Because of this we didn’t use the infant insert! The infant insert is sold separately and recommended for babies 7-12 pounds! But, because of her size we felt that she didn’t need it. If I was registering for this item though, I would register for the insert! You have no idea how big or small your baby will be. We kept ours inside our ErgoBaby box for the next baby!
We started using the ERGObaby when Caroline was just about one month old! It was the best on the days where she didn’t want to nap unless she was laying on us! Phillip would strap her on and he would vacuum and help me wrap Christmas gifts… LOL If you watch my stories today you will see exactly how Phillip feels about this product! LOL
Honestly, this Ergo is worth it if you’re child is a horrible napper and will sleep in this! LOL you never realize how much you will pay to have your child sleep, until you have a child that doesn’t want to sleep! We are lucky because Caroline is a great sleeper at night, but not a fabulous day napper… You take what you can get!

This product is comfortable! Like a 10/10 in comfort!! I have a bad back and it doesn’t aggravate it at all! It is also super easy to take on and off and even adjust to someone different! My Dad wore her yesterday and he is built so much differently than Phillip! It took us less than three minutes to reposition the Ergo to make sure Caroline was as secure as when she is with Phillip!
Just last week we started facing Caroline forward, and she loves it even more!! She loves to be able to look out and see what we are doing instead of just falling asleep when she is facing us. We 100% recommend this product and SO happy we went with Ergo instead of some many other carriers! Three months in and we are more excited about this product than we were when we registered for it!
If you are going back and forth on a couple different carriers go to the store and try them on! Phillip and I went to Nordstrom and actually tried on the Ergo ourselves! I found it hard to find a ton of different information on baby carriers so this was the easiest way!