Twenty-Five was the year of GRATITUDE.

Turning twenty-five was a big deal to me. I had been planning a party since I turned twenty-one and I was so excited to have my whole family to celebrate.

Twenty-six days after turning twenty-five my life changed forever. I actually never expected to be pregnant this year of my life. It was going to be our year of travel, buying a home, and having adventures… just the two of us! But, God had a different plan and boy am I happy he did!

Last night I sat around a table with half of my family( Phillips side) and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. We have three new baby girls in this gang, including my girl! So much more joy, laughter, and poop! LOL But, honestly… this was one thing I couldn’t have believed in my wildest dreams!

I will always remember twenty-five as the year of Caroline! The year our adventures turned into doctor visits and ultrasounds. The year of travel turned into going to the hospital THREE different times because I thought I was in labor and the year of “baby proofing” our new house!

Twenty-five gave me abs and then took them away… real fast! LOL

Twenty-five brought me my daughter… the best gift God could have ever given me. Twenty-five gave me two more nieces full of joy and blue eyes! Twenty-five gave me more laughs involving swollen feet and peeing my pants than I ever thought was possible. Twenty-five made me a politicians wife! Twenty-five gave me many talks with God and last but definitely not least, twenty-five made me a mother.

Bring it on, twenty-six. You have so much to live up to!