Three months… three months! I remember being seven months pregnant and just being so uncomfortable. All I could think of was, “Nisha, all of a sudden she is going to be three months old and you only have three months left!” Now, look… we are here! I have a three month old, a perfectly happy little three month old!
Caroline is still sleeping through the night! She falls asleep between 7:45-8:00 PM and wakes up at 6:45 AM! I’m hoping the three month regression passes her! LOL

Caroline is in the 99th percentile for her height! She is 26 inches long and 15.6 pounds! She is in all 3-6 month or 6 Month clothing! She is still in size one diapers because this baby doesn’t have much chub! Which makes me a little sad. LOL

Caroline loves to be with her grandparents and see her puppies play! She now recognizes us and smiles every single morning when Phillip or I come and get her in the morning.
She loves listening to music and dancing with her Mom in the kitchen when we are making dinner! Her favorite music to laugh to is rap… which drives her Dad crazy!
Caroline loves to be outside and walk around, that includes shopping! I’m pretty sure she is going to be my best friend because whenever we go shopping and I’m smiling, she is smiling!
She’s an eater, folks! Food makes her almost as happy as Phillip and I do!

Tummy time… oh tummy time. For the first time last week, she didn’t cry! She does not like being on her tummy at all!
NAPS! Oh my, she does not like napping! I think she just always has FOMO and doesn’t want to miss a second with her Mama or Grandma or Aunt or Grandpa… LOL
- Belly Laugh
- Chanel Shopping Trip
- Sitting in a Bumbo
- Sitting in a high chair
- She had her diaper blow out in public… LOL
- Bath in a bath tub
- Shower with her Mom/Dad
- Napping in her crib
The Last Three Months…
I couldn’t love being a Mom anymore! I knew I would love to have a baby, but I didn’t realize how much I would love it! I also never realized how much I loved going to the bathroom and showering by myself! HAHA
Marry an extraordinary human! I’m not joking… there are days when I need a moment, every Mom has them and I don’t know what I would do without him! He works all day and when he walks into the door after working he is in Dad mode! He takes Caroline and lets me shower, blog, cook, just sit on the couch… anything! It is SO SO nice and I know not all husbands do this and I’m very grateful that mine does!
I have never appreciated my parents and mother in law more than I do now! They both come over once a week and I look forward to those days all week long! I’m pretty sure its not even about just the help, but having another human around me that isn’t a baby! I love her, but I love to have some adult interaction! My Grandma and Aunt also come over every other week and I love it!!
I gained TWO nieces in the last three months! TWO! I love being an auntie, but seeing my girl with my nieces just makes my heart explode! God put her here to grow up with them. I feel so blessed that she will have them to grow up with!
I’ve also cried. A lot. And, its not always because I’m sad or overwhelmed but because I love being her mom or I can’t believe that she grew inside of me and what a miracle she is! I cry when she laughs and especially when she laughs with me. I cry when she smiles with Phillip. I also cry when I realize I’m wearing the same sweats I went to bed in two nights before… true story!

Overall, life is going too fast. Everyone told me, “the days go by slow and the years go by fast.” But, I think the days are flying by! I want her to slow down and not grow up so fast! I’m savoring all of these moments and can’t wait to see how much she grows in the next three months!