Happy Hump day! Woo! I’m so happy to be half way through the week! My aunt and cousin from India are coming this weekend and I’m so excited for some family time!
Most of you have seen on my Instagram some of Caroline’s swim lessons. She has improved SO much guys! It has been so fun to watch her and participate in the lessons. I’m already having so many proud Mom moments and she isn’t even one!

Also, isn’t my Grandma beautiful! This is who Caroline is named after and that makes me SO happy!
THIS suit has been such a great suit for her to wear to all of her lessons! It is easy to take on and off and doesn’t pull on her at all. Some suits we have purchased have left marks on her shoulders. It could just be that my child is broad, but I’m still very happy to find a suit that she loves so much.

Her actual baby hat is from Janie and Jack and is on SUPER sale right now! I think it is $6.99! So, run and grab it ASAP! I also feel like their hats run big, so Caroline 6-12 months fits her perfectly!

I mean? Can you resist this? THIS suit is under $18 and I know it will sell out. We are in SoCal so we will be in swimsuits until at least October! But, I would have 100% bought this suit for next year because I love it so much!
I really appreciate all of your support of myself and family! I do receive a small commission when you buy something through my links. I’m very grateful for all of you.