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Nothing is easy, right? Well, this 80 Day Obsession lifestyle change would be no exception to this rule.

So, on this plan you get 5 meals a day.

Pre-Workout Meal, Post-Workout Meal, Meal 1, Meal 2, Meal 3

My Pre and post workout meals consist of Protein, Carb, and Vegetable.

Meal 1: Shakeology, fruit, spinach

meal 2: Protein, vegetable, fruit

Meal 3: Vegetable and a healthy fat, such as hummus.


This doesn’t sound that hard but its all timed around when you workout and you have to eat every 2-3 hours. I have certain days that I work from home and the others day we are at our office by 7:45 am and leave around 5 PM. The first day on this program was a Monday and this was hard! I had my shake on the way to work and waited a couple of hours and had my “taco salad,” which is ground turkey meat, lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and homemade salsa. I ate this meal at 10:30 AM! So, that meant while my husband was eating lunch I was starving! But, then I had some bell peppers and hummus at 1 PM. At 3:30 PM I had my pre workout meal of tuna in a whole wheat wrap with celery! At 4:30 PM I drank my Energize (which I love and am OBSESSED with, it gives you natural green tea and beet juice to give you fuel during your workout.) Then from 5-6 PM I did my workout. At 6:15 I drank my Recover, which tastes like chocolate milk! Then at 7:30 I ate my post workout meal(basically my dinner.) I believe for dinner that night I had chicken, sweet potatoes, and green beans. I was actually full until about 8:30 and then I was STARVED! At this same moment I put the end date (April 15) into my countdown app on my phone and found out that this program is 90 DAYS LONG!!! NOT 80! Why in the world do they call it 80 DO if its 90 DAYS! Still don’t have the answer to that, but that was mentally my lowest point of the week!

The rest of the week went much more smoothly, I made Fixate (the programs cooking show) Turkey Sloppy Joes and I’m OBSESSED! I love eating it for my pre-workout meal with green beans! OMG! Its SO good!


(Post-Workout selfie after my first Wednesday, Cardio Core! My FAV day of the week!)


So, to be honest this was the part I was dreading the most! Surprisingly, this is the part I LOVE the most! I really look forward to my workouts everyday! They are all between 30-60 minutes. To be fair, only Saturdays workouts are 30 minutes. The rest are an hour. But, they go by so fast. Beachbody always includes someone that does specific movements “modified” so if your body isn’t there yet or you have had an injury you can always follow a long with her! Don’t get me wrong, the modified movements still seem very difficult. I have had back surgery twice and shoulder surgery. There are some movements I have had to do modified because my back isn’t strong enough yet, and that’s ok!


So, just to be clear. I didn’t start this program to loose pounds on a scale. Of course, I want to look better but I really wanted to FEEL better! That was my main goal. I had been feeling very sluggish and tired so I knew something had to change. I fluctuated my weight this week, party because I should be starting my cycle any day. But, I did weigh myself on Sunday and I LOST ONE POUND! Ok, this might not seem like a lot but I feel amazing! My jeans fit better, I’m happier, more productive, my skin is improving, and so much more! So, even though when we go out to eat and I can’t eat bread or chips and salsa- it makes it all worth it when I wake up and FEEL good!

(Drinking my Recover, post-workout! This stuff is AH-Mazing! Tastes like chocolate milk!)


On Saturday, I wore a DVF wrap dress that I have had for years! It is a size 4, lately I have been more of a size 6 or 8 and even a few months ago I tried to wear this dress and it didn’t fit at all! So, when I put it on to wear to the wedding and it fit AND I didn’t have to wear SPANX, I was SO SO excited. Its the small things like a dress zipping that makes you continually go into the next week with a fresh attitude.


This week for one of my snacks I made a “healthy guac” basically I didn’t add salt and I ate it with cucumbers instead of chips! Its funny how your mind really tricks you into getting the same idea of a chip. I really love it and something I keep on hand now!